For some people, getting dentures occurs in a two-stage process. Often, one set of teeth is removed first, usually the upper teeth. Although there are some challenges to doing dentures for one arch, it is often the best solution at first.
For many, upper dentures are a good experience. They tend to be secure, may be replacing painful or unattractive natural teeth, and they work relatively well. But when those same people go to get lower dentures, the results may be very different. Here’s why that happens, and what can be done about it.
You Now Have No Natural Teeth
Part of the reason why people might do well with only upper dentures is that they still have lower teeth. These lower teeth are secure, fully functional teeth. They can help you chew more forcefully, which means that you’ll have a wider range of food choices.
But when you have your lower teeth removed, you will lose part of that force. And you’ll realize the limitations of traditional dentures in terms of biting and chewing force.
Lower Dentures Aren’t As Secure
The problem of chewing is made even worse because lower dentures aren’t generally as secure as upper dentures. That’s because upper dentures have the wide surface of the palate to cling to, but lower dentures have to be largely confined to the alveolar ridge (where the teeth used to be). Since traditional dentures are held in place by suction, the lower the surface area, the less force holding them in place.
Lower Denture Can Feel Bulkier
Another problem with lower dentures is that they sit down at the bottom of your mouth where their additional bulk can be felt more. The top of your mouth is fairly open real estate, but the bottom of the mouth can be crowded. Although the tongue may rest at the top of your mouth, it is anchored on the bottom, and it moves around on the bottom.
Wearing the lower denture can make the tongue feel crowded, and the denture may be more likely to irritate the tender tissue on the floor of the mouth. Irritation can be worsened by the tendency of the lower denture to move around.
Implants Can Get Better Results for Lower Dentures
You may have decided that you didn’t need dental implants for your upper denture, and that decision may have borne itself out reasonably well. But when we’re looking at your lower denture, the case is completely different. It may be time to get implant dentures at least to secure the lower denture.
Dental implants can help you chew better with full dentures, can prevent the denture from moving around too much, and can even allow the lower denture to be less bulky and irritating.
If you are considering dentures in Columbia, SC and want to learn how to get the best results, please call (803) 781-9090 today for an appointment with a denture dentist at Smile Columbia Dentistry.