Dentures Columbia, SC
Modern Dentures: A New World of Options
In the past, there were relatively few options for quality dentures. Some dentists stopped offering them because overall poor quality led to dissatisfied patients. Today, we can confidently offer you dentures for many situations that will help you to get an attractive, comfortable smile. These options include:

You Can Be A Happy Denture Wearer
In the past, most denture wearers had nothing but complaints about their dentures. Poor fit often caused the denture to slip out when eating or talking. You may have suffered from irritated gums or other types of denture pain. Poor fit makes it hard to eat good food, which leads to diminishing health, and may cause people to use lots of denture cream, which doesn’t work well and may even be toxic.
Denture wearers were often uncomfortable smiling or just being seen in public because they led to an unnatural-looking smile and even a less attractive facial appearance.
Now, though, we can offer you dentures that fit so well you will feel comfortable and will be able to eat most if not all the food you enjoyed when you had teeth. They can even make you look younger—The Denture Fountain of Youth® patients can look 20 years younger!
You may be tempted to consider economy dentures, but believe us, the true cost means they’re no bargain. You will replace them often and be so unhappy in the meantime that you will get no benefit from the money you save.
New & Replacement Dentures
At Smile Columbia Dentistry, we offer both new and replacement dentures. If you have never had a denture and are considering whether you want to have your last teeth removed, we can talk to you about your options.

Experienced, Highly Trained, Compassionate Dentists
Our denture dentist, Dr. Adam Hahn, brings an ideal combination of experience, training, and compassion to his practice. We treat our patients not just as friends and neighbors, but as family. Both our dentists have extensive post-graduate training to remain at the forefront of dentistry, including the latest trends in modern dentures.