If you’ve decided to get dental implants, you’re probably looking forward to the procedure with excitement. But there are a few things you need to do before the procedure to make sure you’re really ready for it.
Quit Smoking
You’ve probably talked to your dentist about this. Smoking significantly increases your risk of dental implant failure, especially during the early period of osseointegration (when the body is building bone around the implants).
Ideally, you should quit smoking entirely, but if you don’t think you can do that, quit for several weeks before and, ideally, 8 weeks after your procedure.
Take Medications as Directed
In some cases, you might have recommended medications to take before your procedure, such as antibiotics. Take them as directed–don’t skip doses or try to take them all at once.
It’s also important that you continue taking your other medications according to your doctor’s instructions. It’s true that some medications can interfere with dental implant healing. However, it’s important that you not spontaneously change your medication because of perceived risk. If your dentist has concerns about your medications, they will talk to your doctor about the risks and decide if changes should be made to your prescriptions.
Do not change your medication schedule unless instructed by your doctor or dentist.
Arrange a Ride
Dental implant surgery is not a major procedure. You usually won’t be under general anesthesia, but sedation dentistry is common. It helps you relax during the procedure and makes it easier for your dentist to work. However, even sedation dentistry can interfere with your ability to drive yourself to and from your procedure.
Make sure you have someone you trust who can take you to and from your appointment. This is more than just a cab or an Uber: it should be someone who cares about you and won’t leave you alone if you’re not sufficiently recovered from the medications.
Plan Meals
Most of the time, people can eat more or less normally soon after their dental implant procedure. However, it’s a good idea to stick to soft foods for the first day or so after implant placement. This doesn’t mean you’re limited to soups, but plan some soft meals that also give you all the nutrition your implants need to heal/best-foods-to-help-implants-heal’}}}}.
And it’s important to note that it’s best to avoid alcohol for the first 72 hours after your procedure. During this critical period, alcohol can interfere with your healing process.
Practice Good Oral Hygiene
It’s very important to keep your mouth clean and healthy in the time leading up to your procedure. So make sure your oral hygiene is in top form. Brush with toothpaste twice a day and floss effectively every day.
If flossing has been a problem for you in the past, it might be time to upgrade your flossing equipment. Some people benefit from floss holders or premade flossers. Others find that interdental cleaning brushes work best for them. Sometimes water flossers are the best tools for hygiene–and they can be especially helpful for cleaning around your implants.
Establishing or reinforcing good oral hygiene habits can really improve the lifetime of your dental implants.
Are You Ready for Dental Implants?
If you are considering dental implants in Columbia, SC, we can help you learn more about the procedure. Then you can decide if you’re ready for the procedure.
Please call (803) 781-9090 today for an appointment with implant dentist Dr. Adam Hahn at Smile Columbia Dentistry.