When you get new dentures, you might notice that your entire facial appearance changes. This is common, but it’s not always good. On the other hand The Denture Fountain of Youth® can give you a more attractive appearance.

Older woman framing her face & smile

Sagging Face

Many people will put their new dentures in and notice that they now have a sagging face. This is especially true if you are getting your first set of dentures replacing your natural teeth. Most dentures, especially economy dentures, don’t adequately replace the lost height of your natural teeth.

This means that you now have a smaller face than you used to have, but the same amount of skin, fat, and other tissues, which now sag and hang down.

Sunken Lips

Tissues that don’t sag downward will fold inward when there’s too much of it, including your lips, which will tend to sink in, giving your face a hollow appearance. Sometimes, your lips may not even close properly, causing leakage at the corners, leading to cheilitis. And, no, facial exercises won’t prevent this.

Witch’s Chin

Sagging chin, also called witch’s chin, is caused by changes in the jawbone due to wearing dentures. As the jawbone loses volume, the muscle attachments of the jaw change, resulting in less bulk in the chin area, and more sagging.

Puffy Lips and Cheeks

In some cases, your dentures may be too big. They can be too wide and make your mouth look bulky. For most people, dentures will feel big, but it’s only in rare occasions that they look too big, though it does happen.

You can also get puffy lips and cheeks if your dentures don’t fit together properly. If you have a bad bite because of your dentures, it can push your jaw forward or to the side, causing your jaw to look out of place and your cheeks and lips will look puffy.

Crooked Jaw

Dentures that are not fitted properly can cause your jaw to tilt to one side, called a cant. Initially, this cant may not be noticeable, but it’s not just a visible problem. It’s related to the forces of chewing, so as your dentures wear down, the tilt will become even more noticeable.

Rejuvenated Appearance

But the changes in your appearance don’t have to be bad. Dentures can make a positive change in your appearance, too. Where you used to have sagging or folding tissues, properly fitting dentures can provide adequate support to your jaw, cheek, and gums. The Denture Fountain of Youth® do just that, and as a result they can reduce or eliminate the appearance of a sagging, sunken face. Properly proportioned dentures can take two decades or more off your appearance.

If you are looking for dentures that will make a positive change in your look, please call (803) 781-9090 for an appointment with a Columbia, SC denture dentist at Smile Columbia Dentistry.