Traditional dentures are not supposed to last you a lifetime. They may last for a few years, but they need to be replaced regularly.

But not all dentures last as long as they should. If you find that your dentures haven’t lasted as long as you wanted them to, there are several explanations for why that might be, and solutions to make sure your next set of dentures does last.

Here are some factors you might consider that could have sped the demise of your old dentures.

Gloved hand inspected a broken denture

Inappropriate Use or Care

It’s important to consider whether you’ve been taking proper care of your dentures. If you have, great! But if you haven’t been taking proper care of your dentures, it can shorten their lifespan.

Some common mistakes people make when taking are of dentures include:

  • Not storing dentures in water
  • Not cleaning dentures regularly
  • Cleaning dentures with inappropriate materials
  • Keeping dentures in at night
  • Clenching and grinding with dentures
  • Chewing on nonfood items

But most people do take proper care of their dentures. So when dentures are wearing out too fast, we usually look elsewhere for an explanation.

Cheap Materials

A big problem with “economy dentures” (AKA cheap dentures) is that they’re not made with very durable materials.

The big problem is the denture teeth. Many cheap denture teeth are made of the same material as the base, polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA). Although PMMA is durable for the base, it’s not as good for the teeth, which can get worn down quickly from contact with foods, especially with any foods that are crunchy or hard.

And PMMA isn’t all the same. Cheap dentures are often made out of low-density PMMA, which isn’t as strong. It’s more likely to wear out. And it’s more likely to get stained or pick up odors.

Cheap materials are even more likely to wear out if you have just one denture opposing natural teeth.

Bad Fit

When dentures are properly fitted, they spread the force out across the entire denture. This keeps the dentures from wearing out too fast. But if dentures aren’t fitted properly, they can experience too much force in certain places, which can cause them to wear out faster there. And if the dentures are moving around in the mouth, they can experience forces in ways they weren’t designed to withstand. (Not to mention that if dentures fly out of your mouth when you talk or laugh, they are more likely to break!) One adverse force that commonly breaks dentures is fulcruming, when the denture tips back and forth on uneven bone, which can cause it to break.

What causes poor denture fit? Sometimes, it’s just a matter of the dentist not properly fitting the denture in the first place. Other times, bad fit occurs during wear. Fit may change as a denture wears out, but it can also change because your body is removing bone from underneath the denture. This natural process can be accelerated by dentures that don’t fit properly to begin with.

Getting your dentures refitted regularly can help them last longer, but if the refittings don’t improve the fit, they won’t extend the life of the dentures.

Bad Bite

An unhealthy bite might have been partly responsible for the damage to and loss of your teeth. Unfortunately, a bad bite doesn’t automatically improve once you replace your teeth with dentures. If your denture dentist didn’t know to look for and counteract a bad bite, they may have reproduced it with your dentures. Sometimes, poorly fitting dentures may even cause you to develop a bad bite.

This can damage your dentures just like a bad fit does. It can cause them to wear down, crack, and break. Your dentures won’t last nearly as long if you have a bad bite. A bad bite with dentures can cause you to develop TMJ symptoms or worsen the symptoms you already have.

It’s important to work with a denture dentist who understands neuromuscular dentistry and can identify a bad bite. They can design dentures to help you achieve a balanced bite that ensures dentures last longer.

Dentures Designed to Last

The good news is that there are dentures that are designed to last much longer than the traditional dentures you’ve tried before. FOY ® Dentures are designed with the best materials and utilize neuromuscular dentistry principles to ensure great fit and a balanced bite so the dentures can last longer. Implant dentures are also designed to last longer. They direct bite force more appropriately and are made of durable materials, too.

If you want to learn more about your options for getting the longest-lasting dentures in Columbia, SC, please call (803) 781-9090 today for an appointment with a denture dentist at Smile Columbia Dentistry.