Many people are concerned about the cost of dentures, including both traditional dentures and implant dentures. But cost isn’t really the main question to consider: it’s the value that you get for your investment. And when we consider the value of implant dentures, we see that they are well worth the investment.

Higher Quality of Life
Better Eating
People with dental implants are better able to enjoy a wide variety of foods. This can help them enjoy better nutrition, which can lead to better health overall.
We’ll talk more about health benefits in a bit, but for now, let’s focus on eating as a contributor to quality of life. For many people, eating is about more than just putting nutrition and energy into the body. Food is potentially a source of pleasure, and dental implants can help you enjoy that pleasure by improving your sense of taste. And just having options when you sit down to eat can make it easier for you to enjoy time out with friends.
Better Health
There are many ways that implant dentures can contribute to improved health. As we noted above, when you have implant dentures, you can eat a wider variety of foods, which can improve your nutrition . However, that’s not the only way you might benefit from implant dentures.
Studies have associated eating a harder diet with improved cognition. That may be because chewing stimulates the brain in ways we do not fully understand.
But the ability to have a better bite can help you in still other ways. People with a stronger bite live longer. This may be in part because bite strength is linked to walking speed and can help you avoid falls.
Plus, better chewing can reduce digestive problems.
Last Longer
Dental implants are also a better investment because they can last longer than traditional dentures. Dental implants themselves can last a lifetime, with proven results of at least 30 years. In addition, implant dentures can also last longer than traditional dentures, though they rarely last a lifetime.
Of course, the lifetime you can expect from implants and implant dentures depends on many variables, but so do traditional dentures. When all factors are taken into account, implant dentures tend to last longer than traditional dentures.
But What about the Cost?
Are Implant Dentures Right for You?
If you are looking at your denture options in or around Columbia, SC, let us help you consider which might be best for you. Please call (803) 781-9090 today to schedule a consultation with denture dentist Dr. Adam Hahn at Smile Columbia Dentistry.